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Shadow of the Colossus Video Review

A video review of the Shadow of the Colossus remake for the PlayStation 4. The pre-release review code was provided by Sony. My first video review and my first experience capturing footage off a console, I spent a lot of time making sure my cuts were tight and sound levels were even.

- Writing

- Capturing
- Editing

- Voice Over

God of War: Nornir Chest and Door Guide

An in-depth walkthrough of all the Nornir chests and doors in God of War for the PlayStation 4. I captured footage of myself discovering and solving all of the rune puzzles necessary for the 22 Nornir chests and 6 Nornir doors throughout the game. My written guide includes both the chest and door solutions, as well as context as to which points in the game players would naturally come across each one. I edited together a single video for the chests and embedded them into the article using time stamp starting points, minimizing the amount of videos necessary to upload in order to satisfactorily complete the guide. The door video was made separate to cut down on the overall time of the videos, as well as to boost viewership.

- Writing

- Capturing
- Editing

Detroit: Become Human
Video review

A video review of the Detroit: Become Human. The pre-release review code was provided by Sony. My second video review for Hardcore Gamer, I focused much of my time parsing through hours of captured footage to find the best possible shots to pair with my script.

- Writing

- Capturing

- Editing

- Voice Over

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