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Shadow of the Colossus

A review of Shadow of the Colossus, the PlayStation 4 remake of Team ICO's classic PlayStation 2 game handled by Bluepoint Games. The review was done with a review code provided by Sony, and in less than a week's time I played through the game, wrote the review, captured hours of footage, edited it and published it as a video review for Hardcore Gamer.

A review of Detroit: Become Human, Quantic Dream’s latest choose-your-own-adventure game. The review was done with a code provided by Sony, and with this I wrote and edited the text review, scripted, captured and edited the video review, and did so in three days. I’m proud of many of the creative decisions I made while editing the video, including audio transitions between categories.

Detroit: Become Human

A review of Moss for PlayStation VR. The review was done with a review code provided by Sony, and with one day's time I was able to play through Moss, write its review and have it ready for publication by the next day. I love experiencing VR titles, and I was glad to have the opportunity to review one of PSVR's best.

The Inpatient

A review of The Inpatient for PlayStation VR. The review was done with a review code provided by Sony, and though the game is brief, I spent multiple playthroughs making sure I properly understood how the narrative permutations in this prequel to Until Dawn worked before finalizing the review.

South Park: The Fractured But Whole 

A review of South Park: The Fractured But Whole for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, reviewed on the PlayStation 4. Written on a time crunch, I only had three days from getting the code to playing through the 20+ hour campaign to writing and editing the review to get it out in time for the game's review embargo. I'm proud of the finished product.

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